Tuesday, December 23, 2008

a sweet secret in franckie's mini xP

Franck's lover .......... who will it be?
*kekeke stay tune for the answer*
nv noe franckie is this sweet wahahah but to his lover tho xP
dun squeeze here!!! shoo shoo~~
a wishing xmas tree.. what's ur wish?? =p
look who's here!! =X
nope i din say anything *looking away >_>* xP


  1. Pfft Sez, Franckie wont stop at 1 girl, hell go for at least 10 at a time xD

    Thats why he can't tell you who he's talking about. Too many names =P

  2. O_O lolx!! is he mobbing girls?? xD

  3. Yep, as usual xD
    Ah Franckie Franckie Franckie. What are we gunna do with you huh?

  4. steal his weapon, put him to slp, ice freeze him so that he cant mob xD
